Northeast Foundation for Children, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and is the sole source provider of the Responsive Classroom approach. For more information, please see:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Smoothing Transitions

I got the Responsive Classroom newsletter in the mail last week, and I was thrilled when I saw that the front page article focused on transitions.  Transitions are a challenge for my students, and it is during those times that I often see students having trouble meeting the classroom expectations.  It is hard for them to stop what they are doing, come to the meeting area right away, and stay calm when they arrive.  I was hoping for some new ideas to help them be more successful.

The information in the article wasn't anything new or groundbreaking, but it did remind me of the importance of consistency.  I was struck by the line, "During September, there were few transitions that did not need to be redone."  It's good for me to keep that in mind and consider that spring, for students, is often a bit like September.  Reminders abound!

Here's the link to the article if you're interested:  Smoothing Transitions


  1. As most of you know I have a challenging class this year. I met with my principal last week and he reminded me of what you just said about the beginning of the year and transitions! I have had to go back and remind and model how we act when lining up and during transition times. It has made a HUGE improvement after 1 week because the students don't like feeling having to have things modeled over and over again. They tell me, "We get it!" and I have them show me. It has really helped! Great post, Erin!

  2. I agree with you girls. I saw that same newsletter in the mail and read it hoping for some "miracle answer" to help with transitions. But the consistency is always helpful to remember and the modeling is key.

  3. I have found myself re-doing transitions a lot lately, as well. It may be helpful for you to know that I am seeing it across all ages in all buildings - I wonder if the transition between seasons is also making our students feel "unsettled" (last week they didn't even need winter coats, and this week we had an "ice day" in from the playground).
