Northeast Foundation for Children, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and is the sole source provider of the Responsive Classroom approach. For more information, please see:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Teacher Language

As cabin fever and the itch for spring break nears, I know that some attitudes and tempers have gotten more negative in my room than they have been all year long. A few kids in particular have really been trying to push the limits and have begun to act up. As a teacher, I have found that my patience has really been tested lately. As I was thinking about this the other day, I remembered the importance of our teacher language in those situations. I found the green bookmark that we received this summer on reinforcing language, reminding language and redirecting language and have found it helpful. Especially saying "I notice that you...", "Remind us how....", "Who can show...". I will keep this handy the next two weeks!


  1. I'm with you! The kids are really starting to get at each other and it's hard to continually be patient with "repeat offenders." I'll need to grab my bookmark from home tonight to help me react in helpful ways!

  2. That is such a great idea! After reading this I pulled out my bookmark and taked it right next to my computer as a reminder. I know that everyone is working so hard! Keep up the great work! Let's stay POSITIVE! :)

  3. I keep my book mark on the tray of the whiteboard. This way I have easy access to it and it reminds me to continue to look at it and use the language.
